Will You Let My Heart..

La Le Li Lo (Will You let My Heart..)
La la la la la la la la, my lover´s song
Le le le.., no label song
Li li li.., so listen for
Lo lo lo.., my lonely song
Hope I´ll meet you again on Friday
Will have my guitar and try to play
Through undergrowth hack straight way
Into your heart, wish you would say:
I really like it, your song for hazy days,
And I see its splendour and grace
I so much like it, your song for gloomy days,
I wanna hear it again and again!
Will you let my heart be released with yours in concert
Hope you´ll love the song which I´m gonna send (to you)
Will you let my heart be released with yours together
Let me be your loving song forever (let me be your lover)
La la la la la la la la, my lover´s song
Le le le.., no label song
Li li li.., so listen for
Lo lo lo.., where I belong
Linger in two minds about it
Muse of nails and hearts of prey
I´m just a novice and feel so startled
What will change my mind and liberate?
Hope you will say to me: like your song for somber days,
Every doubt eradicates
I really love it, your song to adorn these days
When our hearts beat in one fate
Will you let my heart be released with yours in concert
Hope you´ll love the song which I´m gonna send (to you)
Will you let my heart be released with yours together
Let me be your loving song forever (let me be your lover)
Will you let my heart be released with yours in concert
Let me be your loving song, let me be your loving song
Will you let my heart be released with yours together
Let me by your lover
Hope you´ll like my love song
I´m not sure you will like it
Finally It´s ready
For the trash
I don´t know what complicates you
But I feel when I wanna get through
All your gyres and charms so wildly striking
I don´t know what complicates our space
But I feel when I see your comet´s trace
I soar and plummet so hard is landing
My heart, complicates my head,
My head complicates my feelings,
What I feel it complicates my deeds,
My deeds complicate my living
I don´t know what complicates this way
But I see the sky above still grey
And very uninviting for flying
Now I´m really desperate
Think how to turn and clear my fate
So tell me how to break through
Your eyes still shining
My heart, complicates my head,
My head complicates my feelings,
What I feel it complicates my deeds,
My deeds complicate my living
My heart complicates my head,
My head complicates what´s real
Only your heart can clarify my head
My head will settle my feelings
What I feel´s sowing the seeds of deeds
The deeds make our hearts release
Your heart and my head
Think about you thinking
My heart is still complicated
My deeds settle my heartbeating
My heart is still complicated
If I see you
My head is complicated
I´m thinking about you
It´s sweetly complicated
Hands of Land (Lanquan li jorn son lonc)
Wandering through all this land
The wind is my only friend
Looking for the afterglows
Of longing chansons for the rose
The eyes that disappeared
The rivers they ran to bleed
That is all forever lost
In the deepest hands of land
Still today I feel the sin
The love and the song within
Lanquan li jorn son lonc en may
M’es belhs dous chans d’auzelhs de lonh,
E quan mi suy partitz de lay
Remembra´m d’un‘ amor de lonh.
Vauc de talan embroncs e clis
Si que chans ni flors d’albespis
No~m platz plus que l’yverns gelatz
Still today I feel the sin
The love and the song within
Be tenc lo senhor per veray
Per qu´ieu veirai l´amor de lonh;
Mas per un ben que m’en eschay
N’ai dos mals, quar tant m’es de lonh.
Ai! car me fos lai pelegris,
Si que mos fustz e mos tapis
Fos pels sieus belhs huelhs remiratz!
That was a sound of soul
White dove from a broken stone
I saw her flying over strand
So high above the ocean
In the hands of land
(blown over me)
Be~m parra joys quan li querray,
Per amor Dieu, l’alberc de lonh:
E, s’a lieys platz, alberguarai
Pres de lieys, si be~m suy de lonh:
Adoncs parra~l parlamens fis
Quan drutz lonhdas er tan vezis
Qu’ab bels digz jauzira solatz.
Still today I feel the shine / Lanquan li jorn son lonc en may
Of your tears in the eyes of mine / M’es belhs dous chans d’auzelhs de lonh,
The rose over the sea I saw / Et quan mi suy partitz de lay
Remembram d’un‘ amor de lonh
Vauc de talan embroncs e clis / I wanna sing this song
Si que chans ni flors d’albespis / Please would you let me know
No~m platz plus que l’yverns gelatz / Song about your soul
Still today I feel the song
Lanquan li jorn son lonc
/ Jaufre Rudel_(1125 – 1147) Prince of Blaye, troubadour, author of the lyrics in Provençal/
Love is stronger than my shame
Love is a fortress if your steps go wrong
Love is a weakness if you feel so strong
Love is water with a naked flame
Love is stronger than my shame
Man is a sower in a field of sand and blood
Man can do hell well (in the name of love)
Man is an animal with a noble name
But Love is stronger than his shame
Love is stronger than my shame
I´d never play this game (this game without you)
I wouldn´t ever play (this game without you)
I never wanna play (this game without you)
I´d never be able to win (this game without you)
I´d ever play in sin (this game without you)
Heart is a shiny tree in desert rocks
Heart is the ticking of our love´s clocks
Heart is the winner of the battle with the brain
Heart is stronger than its shame
Love is stronger than my shame
Love is stronger than our shame
I´d never play this game (this game without you)
I wouldn´t ever play (this game without you)
I never wanna play (this game without you)
I´d never be able to win (this game without you)
I´d ever play in sin (this game without you)
(One man come in the name of love
One man come and go
One man come, he to justify
One man to overthrow)
To overthrow this game without you
I´d never be able to win (this game without you)
I´d ever play in sin
So Long
I would like to say I´m sorry
I don´t know why it is sometimes so hard
You take my head on rides so up and down
These are so long, so long, so long
I would like to hear I love you
Yes I know why it is sometimes so hard
You take my heart on rides so up and down
These are so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
You take my haed on rides so up and down
These are so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
You take my heart on rides so up and down
These are so long and long
These are so long, so long, so long
I´m still singing that I love you
Hope you feel it´s like the first time we kissed
You take my soul on rides so up and down
These are so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
You take my soul on rides so up and down
These are so long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
So long, so long, so long
You take my heart on rides so up and down
These are so long and long
These are so long
These are so long
These are so long
Blue Temptation Tree
There was a day when Eve & Adam heard the voice:
„It´s time to leave. You´ve already tasted fruits of all Eden ´s trees.“
This way began the story of all mankind
Do you remember this feeling?
When you ´re wordly-wise, heavenly seasoned to pay this hell´s fees.
Sometimes feel my heart´s steady beating
Steps are firm and angels´ are singing
Fields frozen and deserts dry into pastures green.
Sometimes feel my heart a lonely pilgrim
In the darkest valley still bleeding
Looking for the path to your garden leading me.
Where is the Promised land and the street
With the Eden you live in
I´m lost in town under trees of knowledge of good and pain
Have no map, spiteful trap,
Now I know I´m a son of Cain
My cup overflows surely your
Goodness and love will follow me
All the days of my life I need knowledge to avoid the tree
And your rod and your staff
They still comfort me
I lack nothing but to feel you
The bone of my bones
Flesh of my flesh
I lack nothing but to feel you
The rib of my ribs
Breath of my breath
I lack nothing but to feel you
The heart of my heart
Bloom of my bones
I lack nothing but to feel you
So taste the fruits you see
In my blue eye tree.
Couple of days and some years
Lost in your pityless Eden
Trying to find how to shun
Temptation Tree
Couple of hours and decades
I was banished and exiled outlaw
Walked through the sea
Is there any land at all?
Bloom of my bones
Sometimes feel my heart´s steady beating
Steps are firm and angels are singing
Fields frozen and deserts dry into pastures green.
Sometimes feel my heart a lonely pilgrim
In the darkest valley still bleeding
Looking for the path to your garden leading me.
Here´s the Promised land and the street
With the Eden I live in
Come to my town under trees of knowledge of good and pain
Need no map, There´s no trap,
Never hurt your heart of Cain.
Where is the Promised land and the street
With the Eden you live in
I´m lost in town under trees of knowledge of good and pain
Have no map, spiteful trap,
Now I know I´m a son of Cain
My cup overflows surely your
Goodness and love will follow me
All the days of my life I need knowledge to avoid the tree
And your rod and your staff
They still comfort me
I lack nothing but to feel you
To feel bloom of my bones
My sweet temptation tree
Is you
Love & Music
No lines no limits
No reasons for turning back
Somehow you feel it
Love and music´ll be never done
I would never, never, never do bad things
Except for you I would do anything
You seize my heart in the morning
I feel like I´m deeply wanting
There´s many, many, many things to do
But tonight I´m gonna write a love song for you
Lost between 5 lines in a snowplain
Turn frozen rivers into bracing rain
No lines no limits
No reasons for turning back
Somehow you feel it
Love and music´ll be never done
Love will be never done
Hear the sound of my music
It will be never done
The sound of love
Love will be never done
and the sound of my music
Love will be never done
It´s the sound of my music now
Dozens, dozens, dozens of bad words said
And it´s fallen like a thrown out stone on my head
I couldn´t think with sprawling pages
I was torn by passions, regrets and rages
But I´ll never, never, never, give it up
The way that changes me, lifts me, never drops
You rise me up to out of the blue motion
3 rivers take our hearts into the ocean (of love)
No lines no limits
No reasons for turning back
Somehow you feel it
Love and music´ll be never done
Kind of Love
Dream about the things seen in the distance
Think this is the quest forgotten by the rest
They are still the best
They´ll never be falling from the sky
And now everything´s allright
This is a kind of love
This is a kind of new dissatisfaction
This is a kind of insecure direction
This is a kind of love
Irish veil rose above
This is our kind of love
This is a kind of tears in pale morning
This is a kind of gloom in the dawning
This is a kind of love
Old pink veil rose above
This is our kind of love
This is a kind of love
Prickly veil rose above
This is our kind of love
Dream about the things seen in the distance
Think this is the quest forgotten by the rest
They are still the best
They´ll never be rocks falling (from the sky)
This is a kind of love
This is our kind of love
This is a kind of DNA election
This is a kind of red and white section
This is a kind of love
Simple veil rose above
This is our kind of love
This is a kind of ancient resurrection
This is a kind of secret´s celebration
This is a kind of love
Archangel rose above
This is our kind of love
This is a kind of love
Disciple climbs above
This is our kind of love
Dream about the things seen in the distance
Think this is the quest forgotten by the rest
They are still the best
They´ll never be rocks falling (from the sky)
This is a kind of love
This is a kind of love
Archangel rose above
This is our kind of love
Disciples climb above
This is our kind of love
Touch the ground risen above
This is our kind
Rocking Liar
I never overstepped decency´s rules and bounds
I never underrated duty of all the daily rounds
I never tried to bend and break or dig in miry clay
I never cut sleep to mess up sense of night and day
Always want to take you higher
Angel´s sigh or devil ´s gyre
Give me love just to inspire
I´m not such a rocking liar
You know how tough is it to find out if the words are true
You know stuff is not just black or white think maybe blue
You know it´s better to keep the rules and do all the things right
You know that God is still awake if there is day or night
Always want to take you higher
Angel´s sigh or devil ´s gyre
Give me love just to inspire
I´m not such a rocking liar
Always want to take you higher
To the very top desire
Just no fear and touch my fire
I´m not such a rocking liar
Maybe little blue eyed liar
Really just a tiny liar
Only your sweet rocking liar
I wish the words you took to be something else
Had no reflection and no weight
Can´t Resist
I took a really hurtful ride
Through your wild and innocent gyres
Looking for a fairyland
Hope comes true from all the lies
Whatever can I make and give
Whatever weighs like a stone
It´s all about your secret sight
I´m drifting away from home
I can´t resist all your love
So teach me how
I can come through stricken dumb
So squeeze me out
I can´t resist all your love
And reach you now
I can´t resist all your lies
So teach me how
I took myself on guilty ride
Or was it effect of my illusion
How long we have to learn to see
What is set under the screen of confusion
Whatever can I make and give
Whatever weighs like a stone
It´s all about your secret sight
41st day I´m coming home
I can´t resist all your love
So teach me how
I can come through stricken dumb
So squeeze me out
I can´t resist all your love
And reach you now
I can´t resist all your lies
So teach me how
I´m not sure of the story
And what I´ve said
Don ´t need to worry
Shame on my head
I´ve told you all my story
Rain made me wet
Now shhh put away the worries
And shame on my head
Surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender
Let your music play inside
Let your teardrops dance in heart
Let your flowers grow inside
Let your rainbows grace your heart
Surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender
Let your music play inside
Let your children rejoice in heart
Let your moonlight fall inside
Let your sunlight shine in heart
Let your brothers dance inside
Let your sisters grace your heart
Let your father preach inside
Let your mother love in heart
Surrender, surrender
Surrender, surrender

Will You Let My Heart..
11 new pop-rock songs
Léta vstřebávání a učení se mnoha věcem na písních jmen jako jsou U2, Sting, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Simple Minds a mnoha dalších podobných umělců vyústili u autora písní nového alba Romana Veverky a jeho kolegů z Blue Cimbal, kteří se významně podíleli na formování svých partů, v nahrávku, jenž v duchu zmíněných jmen přináší nové songy a v nich nové pojetí práce s cimbálem zasazeným do pop-rocku.
11 písní v angličtině, jazyku tomuto žánru nejvlastnějšímu poukazuje na jistou paralelu tohoto jazyka a cimbálu – určitá mystika anglických slov a potenciál zvukový i gramatický svým způsobem dává možnost se velmi svobodně ve spojení s melodií vyjadřovat; cimbál je pak nástroj, který se svým způsobem dá charakterizovat podobně – jeho přirozený zvuk v sobě skrývá onu mystickou hloubku a zároveň způsob hry a rozeznávání poskytuje hudebníkovi velmi specifické a v jistém směru nečekaně osvobozující možnosti.
Na albu účinkuje několik našich i zahraničních hostů. Pozvání k partu starého trubadůrského textu přijala německá sopranistka a interpretka středověké hudby Sabine Hornung (mj. vlastní profesí archeoložka), jeden z experimentálnějších songů okrášlila naše jedinečná Bára Basiková, v další taneční písni uslyšíte Janu Jun Šrámkovou – autorku a frontmanku skupiny LOVKA, z intrumentalistů pak Anna Kovaříková na vzácnou violu da gamba, Luboš Kovařík – trumpetista FOK a Ivan Tatar na violoncello. Not least hostem je zvukový designer a experimentátor Daniel Bartoš, který dokázal z přirozeného zvuku cimbálu vytvořit specifické zvukové prostory – krajiny, jak sám říká – která se jako vzpomínka na Eden vznáší nad poslední písní.
Velký podíl na celkovém dojmu z alba má mistr mixáže a masteringu Ecson Waldes, jeden z nejpřednějších a nejzkušenějších českých tvůrců zvuku nahrávek.
Album nahráli:
Roman Veverka (zpěv, cimbál, synth.)
Petr Šmíd (zpěv, vokály, kytara)
Rudolf Greif (baskytara)
Ladislav ElShish Šiška (perkuse, bicí)
Jakub Patera (bicí)
Jako hosté účinkují:
Sabine Hornung (zpěv)
Bára Basiková (zpěv)
Jana Jun Šrámková (zpěv)
Anna Vargová (viola da gamba)
Luboš Kovařík (trumpeta)
Ivan Tatar (violoncello)
Daniel Bartoš (sampled string cimbal)
Hudba, texty, aranže: Roman Veverka
Mix & mastering: Ecson Waldes, BIOTECH STUDIO
℗ & © Blue Cimbal Rec. 2021

Rybná 678/9, 110 00 Praha 1

Česko a Slovensko
tel: +420 736 504 533

Polsko a Maďarsko
email: h
tel: +420 776 684 553

Mgr. Iva Klusalová
koncerty a projekty agentury Andante
tel: +420 606 375 373
arte gemini i.c.r. 
Germany, Switzerland, France.
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