The first electrified cimbalom in the pop-rock band replaced guitars and brings new arrangements to well-known world hits of such artists as U2, Sting, Pink Floyd, Depeche Mode and others.
Recorded at: Blue Cimbal Studio Proffesional Sound Jakub Šimáně Studio Mix & studio engineering: Pavel Hejč Proffesional Sound Mastered by: Jiří Paška BIOTECH STUDIO Songs arranged & produced by Roman Veverka
Roman Veverka /vocal & vocals /cimbals 1-12 Petr Šmíd /bass guitar 2, 3, 6, 11 Ladislav “Elshis” Šiška /drums 2, 3, 6, 11 /loop 9 Rudolf Greif /bass guitar 1, 5, 10 Jakub Patera /drums 1, 5, 10 Jakub Šimáně /bass guitar 4, 7, 8 Ctibor Bártek /drums, percussions 4, 7, 8 Featured singers: Bára Basiková 9, Petr Šmíd 4, Vít Šujan 12 Special thanks to Doug Yowell for drums & loops in track 9, recorded at The Guest Room, NYC.

Rybná 678/9, 110 00 Praha 1
arte gemini i.c.r. 
Asia and America
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Roman Veverka